Customer Testimonials

Testimonials from some of my dear customers that I had the opportunity to serve. Please let me know if you would like to have their contact information. References are available upon request.

Paul L. Brisbane, CA

  • Zee moved two very heavy commercial printers for me from LA to SF. His price was fair, he kept me apprised of his progress and he was very pleasant to work with. I’ll definitely be using his services again.


Vas K. San Fransisco, CA

  • Zee was great! Not only did he provide delivery at an exceptionally reasonable price (shipping for us all the way out to LA) but he was timely and very reliable. What made the experience truly satisfactory was that not only did he do a great job but he made our customer very happy with his upstanding service.


T. G. Oakland, CA

  • Zee is definitely worth every penny!! I procured his services to pickup and transport a double-oven from SoCal to the San Francisco Bay Area approximately 6 months ago. His communication, professionalism, and promptness really put me at ease. So much so, I hired him again approximately August 1 to deliver a recording studio workstation desk…same results as before. From my experiences, Zee provides an excellent service with upmost respect and care for the items he’s transporting. Thanks again Zee! 


Andrew L. El Cerrito, CA

  • Zee was professional and prompt at a very affordable rate. Great job on coordinating pickup and delivery times. Items were delivered on time despite heavy traffic conditions. Would definitely recommend for long distance deliveries, as mine was from San Jose to Irvine. Thank you Zee.


E. Smith, San Fransisco, CA

  • I highly recommend Zee’s services.  We had a very valuable/irreplacable film archive which needed delivery from San Francisco to Los Angeles.  From the beginning… Zee was a great communicator, was on time (actually early), his van was clean and in great condition, and delivered my shipment as promised… and called me to confirm.  What more could you ask for. And his prices were very reasonable.


Jean W, Napa Valley, CA

  • Zee delivered my large delicate items from the San Francisco area to Los Angeles. He was very easy to work with.  He communicated perfectly and I was very comfortable with his service. I will use him again.